Alula Quality & Standardization Consultants

Alula Quality & Standardization Consultants The center aims to provide integrated consultancy and training services to government agencies and institutions, public and private companies With the experience of our advisory and training team, we aim to reach the highest levels of performance in your institutions Administrative and professional training programs in line with the requirements of each institution

AlUlA Center Message

AIUIA utilizes its esteemed advisors’ rich experience for your institutions to excel. Ergo, reflecting positively on the administrative and material outputs and achieving your desired objectives. The center aims to provide integrated consultancy and training services to government agencies and institutions. The center also provides its services to public and private companies. The services designated for the success of your institution include organizational and administrative research related to human, economic and social development. In addition to developing individual and collective skills within agencies, institutions, and companies. Moreover, it includes everything related to quality, health, and occupational safety systems for all areas of business and life.

The notion of total quality management begins with the conviction and support of senior management. It starts with the importance of methodology of continuous development and improvement. That is why we work hard to rehabilitate the work systems in organizations in accordance to the requirements of global standards.


D.Azzam Alkasim(General Manager.)

In our current world, everything is connected. Thus, continuous evaluation has become imperative, to achieve the highest quality.

Eng. Sameeh Alsous (The evaluation and quality manager)


Alula Center Profile

Center Services:

– We provide administrative, financial, and marketing consultation services. Setting quality standards for all types of establishments.
– The center’s specialized consultants prepare research studies, designing and executing proper questionnaires. We prepare and analyze economic feasibility studies according to the latest methods.
– The center appoints and supports consultants in various fields. Marketing to them through the center’s communication channels.
– We qualify consultants who carry out the relevant services according to the best global standards.

Certified Consultants:

The center has a large group of specialized and seasoned consultants. Our consultants have proven their competence and their experience to provide the best possible services for our esteemed clients.

Consultants Directory

The center offers a variety of services which actively serves everyone in areas of quality and management.

• The center qualifies consultants that carry out the required services according to global standards, under the appropriate supervision.
• We design, implement, follow up, and constantly develop custom professional training for our clients.

Qualification Programs

Human Research Management


The efficiency of organizations depends on the proper investment of its resources. Human research management recognizes that the employee is the most valuable resource in the organization. Therefore, our center raises awareness regarding the significance of human resourcing.

Corporate Restructuring

business teamwork - business men making a puzzle

Corporate restructuring focuses on raising performance efficiency. It removes restrictions that limit productivity and corrects the necessary course for the facility’s technical, economic, and financial structures. It defines responsibilities in order to reach sound strategic decisions in a timely manner.

Management Consultancy

silhouette black man survey and civil engineer stand on ground working in a land building site over Blurred construction worker on construction site. examination, inspection, survey

The center is honored to provide a distinguished management consultancy package in the following areas:
• Enterprise resource planning
• Management research

Accredited Certificates

Our Team’s Expertise

Our team has provided consultations in the field of development and training quality. In addition to specialized training courses targeting private and public entities.


Conditions for accreditation of consultants:


Requirements to register as a certified consultant:

  1. Submit the application online via the link and include:
    • CV in PDF format.
    • Notarized academic and experience certificates.
    If necessary, pursue a consultancy training program in the designated field.

Designing and Implementing Training Activities

This service is provided to trainers or entities that have training material in need of enhancement. Our center will provide the most suitable course of action according to the following requirements:
• Sending the presentation file or material outline with mention of the topics. (This will be subject to the executive committee)

Cooperating Institutions

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