Alula Quality & Standardization Consultants

Education Quality Consultant 21001:2018


Education is the cornerstone of society’s progress and development. It is the emergence of creative individuals in it. This is achieved by raising the level of education and developing human competencies, which leads to the development of society. Therefore, societies seek to set educational quality standards to achieve their goal in raising the level of society, its development and prosperity.

The quality of education depends on the learner, the parents, and the community. Most importantly, the teacher, the educational administration and the administrative bodies all contribute to achieving high quality educational outcomes. In addition, the teaching process is related to the curriculum being taught, and teaching methods as well. In order to control these various elements, standards and assessments have been developed for each of the teacher, the learner, the educational administration and the administrative bodies. Foundations were also laid for continuous improvement of the educational process.

By the end of this course the trainee will acquire:

  • The meaning of quality in education.
  • Knowledge of quality principles.
  • Knowledge of quality standards in education.
  • Knowledge of the educational elements related to quality in education.
  • Implementation of strategic planning for educational institutions.
  • Self-assessment of educational institutions.
  • Knowledge of the PDCA continuous performance improvement model.
  • Knowledge of statistical methods.
  • Steps for implementing ISO 21001.
  • Steps for the internal audit of educational institutions.
  • Steps for external audit of educational institutions.
  • Knowledge on how to obtain a quality certificate in education 21001.
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